The Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO) is a crop insurance option that provides additional area-based coverage for a portion of your underlying crop insurance policy deductible. It must be purchased as an endorsement to the Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion, Actual Production History or Yield Based Dollar Amount of Insurance policy. ECO offers producers a choice of 90 or 95 percent trigger levels. Trigger means the percentage of expected yield or revenue at which a loss becomes payable.

How it Works…


  • Follows the coverage of your underlying MPCI policy. If you choose Yield Protection or a yield-based policy, then ECO covers yield loss. If you choose a Revenue Protection policy, then ECO covers revenue losses. The amount of ECO coverage depends on the liability of your underlying policy.
  • Differs from the underlying policy in how a loss payment is triggered. The underlying policy pays a loss on an individual basis, and an indemnity is triggered when you have an individual loss in yield or revenue.
  • Pays a loss on an area basis, and an indemnity is triggered when there is a decrease in the county level yield or revenue. ECO has two trigger levels: 90 and 95 percent. ECO provides a band of coverage between the elected trigger level and 86 percent. If the county yield or revenue is reduced beyond the trigger level, you will receive an ECO indemnity. If the reduction in yield or revenue exceeds the 86 percent threshold, you will receive an indemnity equal to the full insured liability.


ECO will be available for 31 crops (shown below), starting with the 2021 crop year, in most counties where these crops are grown. Additional crops will be added in subsequent years based on producer interest and data availability.

*Wheat, Canola, Oats, Millet, Rice, Cotton, Cotton (Ex. Long Staple), Flax, Hybrid Sorghum Seed, Cigar Binder Tobacco, Popcorn, Dry Beans, Sugar Beets, Grain Sorghum, Corn, Sesame, Silage Sorghum, Hybrid Corn Seed, Peanuts, Sunflowers, Hybrid Seed Rice, Soybeans, Cultivated Wild Rice, Buckwheat, Flue Cured Tobacco, Fire Cured Tobacco, Burley Tobacco, Barley, Dark Air Tobacco, Safflower and Dry Peas

*Only for “spring” type counties in 2021