October 21, 2020

Consider Enhanced Coverage Option for 2021

The USDA Risk Management Agency recently announced the Enhanced Coverage Option (ECO), and our teams are already hard at work preparing to offer, deliver and service it!

Enhanced Coverage Option:

  • Provides area-based coverage for a portion of the deductible of your underlying policy in a manner similar to the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO).
  • Like SCO, is based on your underlying policy plan of insurance.
  • Uses the same expected and final area yields, projected and harvest prices and payment factors as SCO, but covers a band from 86 percent (where SCO coverage ends) up to 90 or 95 percent of expected crop value.
  • NOTE: Unlike SCO, your farm program designation(s) at the FSA office does not affect your ability to purchase ECO this spring.

Watch for more information on this offering upon official release of policy language. In the meantime, if you have any general questions, please contact your Hudson Crop Sales Team Member or email info@hudsoncrop.com.


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